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Malý příruční atlas wšech částí Země

Wáclaw Merklas
Matice česká

Full title

Malý příručnní atlas wšech částí Země obsahující 26 listů. Za pomoci Karla Wladislava Zappa zhotoven od Wácslawa Merklasa.

Very significant first edition of the first comprehensive world atlas published in Czech language, with geographical naming in Czech language. The main aim of the publishers was to promote the use of the Czech language. It was published during the peak phase of Czech National Revival movement, which aimed to revive the Czech language, culture and national identity, after the country experienced Germanisation which begun in 1620 as a result of the Battle of the White Mountain (Bitva na Bílé Hoře).

The author of the maps Václav Merklas (Wácslaw Merklas) was a Czech engraver, cartographer and globe maker who also produced the first globes in Czech language. Although Merklas was very skilled engraver, his atlas maps were simple copies of Stieler with little to no invention. His greatest focus and contribution was the nomenclature - coming up with new Czech geographical names for countries, cities and regions.

The list of 26 maps:

  • Západní polokaule, Východní polokaule (West and East hemisphere)
  • Ewropa (Europe)
  • Rakouské mocnářství (Austrian authoritarianism)
  • Uhry a Sedmihradsko (Hungary and Transylvania)
  • Čechy (Bohemia)
  • Morawa a Slezsko (Silesia)
  • Wnitrorakouské země (Inner Austrian lands)
  • Sewerní Německo (Northern Germany)
  • Jihozápadní Německo a Šwejcary (South-western Germany and Swtizerland)
  • Turecká říše v Ewropě, Řecko, Jonické ostrowy (Turkish Empire in Europe, Greece, Ionian Islands)
  • Ilirsko-Slovanské země (Illyrian-Slavic lands)
  • Ruská říše v Ewropě (Russian Empire in Europe)
  • Polsko, Prusy, Poznáňsko (Poland, Prussia, Poznań)
  • Holland a Belgie (Holland and Belgium)
  • Welká Brittanie a Irsko (Great Britain and Ireland)
  • Šwédy, Norwegy, Dánsko (Sweden, Norway, Denmark)
  • Italie (Italy)
  • Francie (France)
  • Španiely a Portugaly (Spain and Portugal)
  • Asie (Asia)
  • Přední Asie (Near Asia)
  • Přední a Zadní Indie w Asii (Near and Far India)
  • Afrika (Africa)
  • Severní Amerika (North America)
  • Jižní Amerika (South America)
  • Australie (Australia)


Softcover with title page on the front cover, Front cover stained, spine and back cover reinforced with old paper tape. One map has pencil notes on the margin. The last map (Australia) has reinforced edge. Complete, with all pages attached to binding.

26 maps
Width × Height
31,6 x 25
Total map area
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